Paul De Ritter
Paul De Ritter Duo/Quintet

New York:  716-372-4299
Florida:  352-360-0784

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for the info that you are looking for.



About Paul DeRitter

Paul DeRitter Duo

Paul DeRitter Quintet

Paul DeRitter Dixieland Band

Newspaper Articles about Paul

Jamestown's Post Journal Review


Venues We Play


Please Click on the thumbnail for a larger view. 


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Paul De Ritter Quintet - Seneca Allegany Casino

Paul De Ritter Duo performs at On Top of the World Community, Ocala, Florida

Paul De Ritter, trumpet;  Michael Shaw, conductor, 2010 National Championship American Legion Band of the Tonawandas - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

John  Gorman,exec chef, owner of Plantation Oaks with Paul DeRitter

2010_9_9 Hus Rafi's1st lesson sm.jpg (40788 bytes)

2010_9_9 Chef's Bistro sm.jpg (44177 bytes)

2010_9_11 Genesis Housesm.jpg (48220 bytes)

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 - Hus’ 1st trumpet lesson. . .He shows great potential!!!

Chef's Bistro -

 Paul; Executive Chef, Ashi Rafi;  General Manager, Hus Rafi;  Bill Hughey

 Genesis House Benefit - Linore Lounsbury, Paul, Marcia Storch  

Good Friends 

at Plantation Oaks

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Wine Cellars Uncorked Eustis, Fl. 

owners:  Dan and Nancy Lackey

John Whitney

Olivia and Paul at Olivia's, Eustis, Fl

John Whitney and Paul

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2012-08-25 MikePaul_302x273.jpg (12676 bytes)

Doc Gilroy and Paul

Whitney's Grad Party

Click for Lincoln Park Pics

Paul with Mike Shaw, conductor, American Legion Band of the Tonawandas




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